Sunday, April 24, 2016

Week 15 Reading Reflection

1) What was the biggest surprise for you in the reading? In other words, what did you read that stood out the most as different from your expectations? 
I thought it was interesting when the author explains how to make money at the bottom tier of the economic pyramid while raising the living standards of the people who occupy it.
2) Identify at least one part of the reading that was confusing to you.
There was nothing in this reading that was particularly confusing to me. 
3) If you were able to ask two questions to the author, what would you ask? Why?
I would ask Akula what inspired in the most in deciding to start a firm which provides loans to poor women in India.
4) Was there anything you think the author was wrong about? Where do you disagree with what she or he said? How?
I don't think there was anything in this article that the author was wrong about.

Final Reflection

2) What sticks out to you as the most formative experience? The experience that you'll remember years later? What was your most joyous experience? What experience are you most proud of yourself for accomplishing?
I think the experience that I will remember years later are the ones that involved recording videos. These assignments pushed me out of my comfort zone, especially since I am studying abroad and struggled to find English speakers that I could use to complete the interview assignments. The most interesting one for me was Free Money, since the people I recorded didn't really understand why or what I was doing, so it was a confusing and frustrating experience to say the least! I think the parts I am most proud of our my venture, capital, etc. posts because I actually put a lot of thought into writing those, and it helped me to realize what I would excel in if I were to become an entrepreneur.

3) At the beginning of the semester, I mentioned that I wanted each of you to develop an entrepreneurial mindset. And we repeated the mantra -- I am an entrepreneur. Now, at the end, do you see yourself as an entrepreneur? Do you think you have moved closer to developing an entrepreneurial mindset?
I don't see myself as an entrepreneur quite yet, but I definitely feel like I've developed more of an entrepreneurial mindset. It's something I didn't put that much thought into before taking this class.

4) What is the one recommendation you would make to the students who are going to journey down this path in the future? What would you recommend they do to perform best in this course? What would you recommend they do to foster that mindset?

I would recommend that they use the mindset to "just go for it." I was hesitant to complete a lot of these interview and recording assignments, and I skipped a few of them because I didn't know how to approach it. I would recommend planning ahead of time so you don't have to miss out on points like me!

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Venture Concept No. 2

For my venture concept, a lot of people gave me feedback that this service would be useful and successful to a wide range of people. However, I also got a lot of feedback saying my idea is too common and needs to have something that will make it stand out from the rest.

Instead of repeating everything I wrote the first time around, I will sum it up. My idea is almost exactly the same as that business idea we had to do a survey on for extra credit. (An app for food deliveries, help moving, as well as ride-sharing like Uber, the options are endless.) Seeing my exact idea come to life in the video those people provided was really cool. It makes me feel like I know I came up with an idea that could be useful. On the downside, I had no idea until taking that survey that there is someone in Gainesville trying to make this idea into a business already. I guess time will tell if my idea really is something that will work. I am thankful for this feedback and for taking that survey because I honestly didn’t plan an actually becoming an entrepreneur anytime soon but it would be interesting to see hypothetically how it would work out.

If I did want to develop this app the one advantage I would have is that I actually live next to UCF campus in Orlando. UCF has the largest student population in the country and it’s so close to so many other schools. For an app that is especially helpful to students, and ran mostly by students, I think that would put me at an advantage over someone starting the business in Gainesville. There are also a lot of young professionals living in Orlando, as well as families from all over the world, retirees, and many many tourists that I think could benefit from using my app. The advantages I would have just from the market size in my area are what I think would really help this app to take off. With all that being said, the main thing I would change is to focus on a broader range of demographics than just students. 

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Week 14 Reading Reflection

What was the biggest surprise for you in the reading? In other words, what did you read that stood out the most as different from your expectations?

The biggest surprise for me in this reading is that the part on corporate entrepreneurship is at the end instead of closer to one of the opening chapters. Seems like this is something that would have more opportunities and is more common in general.

Identify at least one part of the reading that was confusing to you.
The only part that was a little confusing to me was the section on sustainable entrepreneurship.

If you were able to ask two questions to the author, what would you ask? Why?

What made you decide to organize the book the way that you did? Is there a significance to the order of the chapters in the book?

Was there anything you think the author was wrong about? Where do you disagree with what she or he said? How?

There was not really anything in this reading that I thought the author was wrong about, or that I disagreed with.

Google Gold

Honestly I didn’t do much for SEO since this is for a class and not a business idea that I have solidified or plan on actually implementing in the near future. It’s a good idea I think, but I have to focus on finishing school before I really put my ideas out there. I don’t have time to do both.

I opted not to include my social media in this blog for the above reasons. I made sure to comment on other posts in this class with a link to my blog in order to get feedback from other students in the same boat. I don’t believe that linking my social media to my blog for this class would be beneficial, since I am not planning on becoming an entrepreneur until I am finished with my degree.

My venture concept and my social capital had the most traffic from my blog. They each had the highest number of views as well as the most comments. I’m not exactly sure how, but I think it’s because I put the most time and effort into writing these posts. I tried to be as thorough as I could be in answering all of the questions and explaining my ideas. I’ve seen a lot of blog posts that have hardly anything written and those that didn’t seem to follow along with the assignment guidelines very well. I think maybe people found my blog and chose to comment on it because there was a lot of substance put into my work on these occasions. According to a lot of the comments, people who take this class seriously tend to appreciate those other students who put time and thought into their blog posts.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Very Short Interview, Part 2

What is the best advice you can give a prospective entrepreneur?

To go for it. Most people have an idea of what they want to do but they are hesitant to make it happen and end up working for someone else and staying there.

Do you plan on staying with your current business, or selling it?

My plan is to eventually sell it, once we get things going here and are able to make a good profit. As much as I love my job, and owning a business, I don't want to work in a bar for life. As I get older I have other ideas that I want to pursue.

My plan is and has always been to get my business going and to sell it.

The hardest thing for me to overcome as an entrepreneur is when we had a some trouble with our first college bar and eventually had to close it down. Business was always good, but the place would get trashed, we had problems with underage kids trying to drink on property, and it was hard to keep a consistent staff. These students would graduate or transfer, and their class schedule changed every semester so it was a little chaotic to plan around that. We sold the business and decided to open a new and improved one, which turned out to be much more successful.

I felt a little more comfortable interviewing him now that I have a bit more background and insight on being an entrepreneur myself. However, this is someone that I used to work for and I had a good idea of what his answers would be because I have asked him before.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Week 13 Reading Reflection

1) What was the biggest surprise for you in the reading? In other words, what did you read that stood out the most as different from your expectations? 
2) Identify at least one part of the reading that was confusing to you.
3) If you were able to ask two questions to the author, what would you ask? Why?
4) Was there anything you think the author was wrong about? Where do you disagree with what she or he said? How?
The thing that most surprised me in this reading was the detail of the due diligence and checklist of analyzing a business.

There was not really any part of this reading that I found confusing. It all made pretty good sense when explained in the text. The two questions I would ask are do you think a business owner could do without the due diligence evaluation, and how do you handle the control factor when in the process of buying a business? I don’t disagree with anything the author mentioned in this reading.

Celebrating Failure

1)      Tell us about a time this past semester that you failed -- whether in this class, or outside of this class. Don't spare any details! It'd be even better if there was something you tried several times this semester, and failed each time.
There have been several occasions where I feel I have failed in this class. Almost all of my interview exercises didn’t go as planned. For a lot of them, I just gave up and opted to do the extra credit instead.
2)      Tell us what you learned from it. 
I learned that it’s okay to accept the fact that not everything will be perfect. It’s ok that I don’t want to post videos for some of the assignments in this class as long as I know that I can still earn an A by doing extra credit. I tried my best for some of these and being that I am studying abroad, there was only so much I could do.
3)      Reflect, in general, on what you think about failure. Failure is hard, isn't it? It's embarrassing, sure, but it also means that we have to change something about ourselves. Talk about how you handle failure (emotionally, behaviorally). Finally, talk about how this class has changed your perspective on failure -- are you more likely to take a risk now than you were four months ago?

Honestly this class has helped me to take risks a little more, because I did push myself out of my comfort zone and tried to complete the video assignments, even though I failed. At other times in life I have failed, and it only made me realize that I was either not trying hard enough, or it was just not the right thing for me to by trying. That is okay. Everyone has something that they excel in, and things they will never really be that great at. Accepting failure is a big part of accepting yourself.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

My Exit Strategy

My exit strategy for this business is to let it grow for 5-10 years and then ultimately sell it. My entire business idea is based off an app that could be widely popular today because it is a fairly new market. I don't think that this type of service will be relevant 10+ years down the road and if it is, it may have a lot more competition. My plan would be to get it to it's peak, and then sell it and invest in a new idea, and then repeat. This way I won't lose everything I put into it. I would of course invest a lot of the money I make along the way in case my plan doesn't work out. I want to make a lot of money and start investing as soon as possible so 10+ years down the road I will have a steady income from my investments. An example of how I think my plan will work is when Myspace Tom sold his business for millions of dollars and then not too long after, it's use began to plummet immensely and it is now mostly irrelevant.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Week 12 Reading Reflection

1)      What was the biggest surprise for you in the reading? In other words, what did you read that stood out the most as different from your expectations?
The part that surprised me the most was when the author explained what the best strategic plan would be influenced by. Usually an author would point out what was absolute best so that’s why it surprised me.
2)      Identify at least one part of the reading that was confusing to you.
The part where the author talks about participation by subordinates in a strategic plan being appropriate. It kinda makes sense to me but I suppose it’s situational.
3)      If you were able to ask two questions to the author, what would you ask? Why?
I don’t really have any questions that I would ask the author for this section.
4)      Was there anything you think the author was wrong about? Where do you disagree with what she or he said? How?
There isn’t really anything I think the author was wrong about in this chapter. I agree that the 

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Venture Concept No. 1

The opportunity that I am venturing into is a similar to a ride-sharing service. But I am offering a service beyond just rideshares, but service shares of all kinds. For example, people can call on their driver and get food delivered from anywhere. It gives people an opportunity to become entrepreneurs themselves. It allows people to be their own boss, work their own hours. It gives customers the ability to travel and get things done at a lower than normal cost, increasing productivity. They can get anything delivered, anytime. It’s like Uber and Lyft but with endless opportunities.
Geographically and demographically this market can help people in all regions and from all demographics. Rural areas have very few options for delivery services and taxis. This can help people to get around and get things done in their community. In the big cities, it is very helpful to people who live in high rise apartments and don’t have the time or ability to get things delivered themselves, or if they don’t want to take public transportation. Demographically, people of all ages, races, and classes can use this service. People who are too poor to buy their own car can use the ridesharing service, while people who are rich and don’t want to bother to drive their own car can use it as well. It really is a helpful service for all people, because everyone moves around and everyone eats food.
This opportunity is huge, because it’s something that some people will use on a weekly (or even daily) basis. The window of opportunity will always be open because although there are similar services in existence already, there is always room for improvement. If I can expand on an idea that already exists and find my own customer base and keep them satisfied, I have a huge opportunity for success.
My customers all have one thing in common, they need assistance. Whether it be that they can’t walk and need their groceries delivered, or they just need a ride somewhere. My innovation is that I am selling them a transportation service. I am selling the customer a ride in a vehicle or a delivery from a hired driver, from anywhere they wish. Corporate restaurants that do food deliveries and taxi companies charge a great deal for a small service, and in most cases, pay their employees a small hourly wage. This company gives the customer convenience of getting something done with the knowledge that the majority of their fare goes directly to a person’s paycheck and not to a huge corporation.
This type of business has been successful because of the convenience. In this day and age people put a huge emphasis on saving time and not being inconvenienced. They are willing to pay to get things delivered to them when it saves them a trip they don’t want to spend the time to make. It allows them to get around town without needing to drive themselves. They are helping everyday average people to earn money on their own.
What my idea has that no one else has is options. There are many uses for this service and it can only get better and better. Focusing on customer and employee satisfaction by creating a rewards system when the services are used is what will keep them coming back. It’s one of those things you don’t realize how much you value until you stop using it.
I have a lot of ideas for this company, but I still have to figure out how to put the pieces together. I think it is very possible to offer a wide range of services from one app instead of several, but of course it is a bit of a challenge to make it all work when it is a completely new business model. The next step for me is figuring out how to pull in my first set of customers and independent contractors.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

The Amazon Whisperer

The Amazon Whisperer

The main opportunity that I have to work on for my business is customer experience. There are other competitors in this type of business and I have to make sure mine stands out as the best and different from the others. One thing I've learned from using Uber is that it feels like a much more personable, pleasant and trusted experience than when I use taxi's. It feels almost like you are hiring a friend to drive you somewhere in their vehicle. I would make sure my business runs based on customer/driver ratings so that both parties are satisfied. Any customer or driver who gives the other an exceptionally poor experience will no longer be able to use the service. The other factor of my business is safety. There have been many safety concerns for Uber drivers because it is not that hard to become approved as a driver. For my business I will make sure to do extensive background/driving checks for drivers as well as a brief phone interview to make sure they are able to communicate well. I have to make sure both parties feel safe, even when they are only doing deliveries. Having a very responsive customer service team is a huge factor in maintaining business. My business is a service that is based off an app, so I am unable to do the Amazon portion of this assignment.

Week 11 Reading Reflection

1. There was nothing that really surprised me in this chapter. It all seemed to make pretty good sense to me.
2. The part that was a little confusing to me was the part about the innovation landscape gap. I didn't understand what the author meant at first.
3. If I could ask the author anything it would just be what strategies have worked best for him. I would also ask what the worst strategy he has used.
4. The part I disagreed with was when the article said you can only create value for a potential customer by saving them money or by helping a cause.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Your Venture's Unfair Advantage

These are some of the resources I have come up with for my business venture. My idea is a ride-sharing app similar to Uber and Lyft, which offers additional services such as food and grocery delivery, etc.
-Financial. I have financial resources from family. I know they would help me to get started.
-For the VRIN -this resource is valuable and rare because not many people have this option. The saying goes "you have to have money to make money" which in the case of starting a  business, can be very true.

-Financial. I also have excellent credit so if I needed to take out a loan I would have options.
-This is a very valuable resource to me because I would need to take out a loan at some point if the costs of the business are too high at first. I would be able to do it on my own and wouldn´t need someone with good credit to put things in their name.
-Social capital. I have several entrepreneurs in my family that would help me out and give me sound advice.
-This is very valuable because many times in business, it´s all about who you know. Knowledge and advice from someone with experience can be invaluable.

-Social capital. I know people that I could trust to work with/for me in this business venture.
-I think this is one of the most valuable and non-imitable resources. It doesn´t matter how much money or experience you have if you are not able to trust people you work with.

-Human capital. I have first hand experience working in this industry.
-I have used a similar app both as a customer and as an independent contractor. I know what it´s like to keep both parties satisfied.

-Human capital. I have management experience.
-I have been in a supervisor role and I learned how to manage people while maintaining their respect for me. This is a very valuable resource for someone who wants to start a business. You can be the nicest guy on Earth with the most friends but if you aren´t able to be assertive enough get people to respect your authority, it´s not going to work.

-Organizational culture. My idea creates a culture of trust and customer/employee satisfaction because it goes based on a rating system
-When customers feel that their opinion is valued, they continue to use a service.

-Organizational culture. The company is not only for profit but also helps the environment by encouraging car-sharing.
-Many people feel more obliged to use a service when it has a deeper purpose. This is a valuable part of the culture of the organization.

-Organizational culture. It helps the economy by putting money in the pockets of the drivers involved, where they may otherwise be unemployed. The majority of fares go straight into the employee’s paycheck and not to a corporate account.
-A lot of people prefer to use ride-sharing apps over taxi companies any day, simply because they know they are getting the best rates and where the money is going.

I believe that the most valuable resource my business would have is the organizational culture. This type of resource is very valuable and non-imitable. Taxi´s have been around for a long time and still haven´t seemed to understand this concept. Every city I travel to, I experience a less than desirable taxi service. They are constantly trying to rip people off and that´s why customers are fed up, and began looking for an alternative. This concept of organizational culture is what has made Uber the number one driver-passenger service in the world.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Week 10 Reading Reflection

1) What was the biggest surprise for you in the reading? In other words, what did you read that stood out the most as different from your expectations? 
There was not really anything that was different from my expectations or surprising because most things relating to finance are something I know nothing about in the first place.
2) Identify at least one part of the reading that was confusing to you.
All of the parts about finance and accounting and relating to numbers, inventory etc. I do not like or understand finance. I'm not good with numbers and it's always so confusing to me.
3) If you were able to ask two questions to the author, what would you ask? Why?
If I could get a breakdown of this material in terms that I could understand or in a way that would be interesting to me that would help. But it's a boring subject matter.
4) Was there anything you think the author was wrong about? Where do you disagree with what she or he said? How?
I pretty much know that if I were a business owner, this would be one area of my business operations where I would have to hire someone for help every time because it just does not interest me.

Growing My Social Capital

My business idea that I have been developing is a driver-customer app that does food deliveries as well as other various services.

1)      Who they are and what their background is.
This person is an Uber driver, so naturally they already know what it’s like to work in this type of business as an independent contractor.
2)      Which 'slot' you are filling with each person (i.e., domain expert, market expert, supplier), and how the person fills the spot.
This person fills the spot of domain expert. They work in the industry first-hand so their insight on this type of service is from first-hand experience.
3)      A description of how you found the person and contacted the person.
This person is a friend of mine who has been driving for Uber and Lyft for a long time.
4)      The nature of the exchange you have with the person -- what favor did they do for you? What is the return expectation?
This person is a friend of mine, the favor they have done for me is to explain things about their job that would help me to work out the kinks in my business idea. They gave me practical advice.
5)      How will including this person in your network enhance your ability to exploit an opportunity?
Like I mentioned, being in contact with someone who has essentially worked in the same type of service app that I would be developing will give me insight on what may or may not work from the perspective of the independent contractor involved.
Second Interview:
1)      Who they are and what their background is.
This person works in marketing and customer support for the Uber app in my city.
2)      Which 'slot' you are filling with each person (i.e., domain expert, market expert, supplier), and how the person fills the spot.
This person would be a market expert, because their job is to research trends in the business and market to the customers and drivers accordingly to make sure things run smoothly.
3)      A description of how you found the person and contacted the person.
My friend who is a driver for Uber told me about how easy it is to contact someone in the business with questions and advice when you are a driver, because they are constantly sending emails and texts letting the drivers know when are the good times to get on the road and what areas are typically the busiest. He put me in contact with this person and it has been very insightful.
4)      The nature of the exchange you have with the person -- what favor did they do for you? What is the return expectation?
The favor that this person did for me was just to answer some questions I had about the business and how exactly it works- including conflict resolution and daily operations.
5) How will including this person in your network enhance your ability to exploit an opportunity?
Being in contact with this person could give me really good insight on how to find and advertise to my target market and get the app going.

1)      Who they are and what their background is.
This person has been an app developer for an unrelated app.
2)      Which 'slot' you are filling with each person (i.e., domain expert, market expert, supplier), and how the person fills the spot.
This person would be a supplier. They may not work in the same type of business or market, but they know how to get an app going and running smoothly.
3)      A description of how you found the person and contacted the person.
My brother is a software engineer and works with app developers in his office. He put me in contact with this person.
4)      The nature of the exchange you have with the person -- what favor did they do for you? What is the return expectation?
I just asked him a few questions about how I would go about putting my idea to work and developing an app that will run smoothly. I would definitely have to hire someone with experience to do this part.
5)      How will including this person in your network enhance your ability to exploit an opportunity?
It is helpful to network with someone who knows how these things work since I don’t. If I needed advice or maybe even some technical help, there is a possibility that he would be able to assist me.

I think out of all the exercises this one would be the most helpful if I were to actually put my ideas into action. All of these people could provide great advice in developing and maintaining this service app. I definitely believe that networking with people in your target industry is immensely helpful and I was satisfied with this exercise.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

My Secret Sauce

1) Describe five ways in which you think you have human capital that is truly unique. What is it about you, exactly, that makes you different? Write this up in a detailed list. 

I think what it is about me that makes me different is that for starters I am very good at seeking opportunities. 
I find new and different ways of doing things and I make it work for me. I am really good at adapting to change and going with the flow of things.
I know how to maintain a professional appearance and present myself well even when I am upset or stressed.
I take criticism pretty well and appreciate when people are giving me the advice I need to hear and not just what I want to hear. I think this is an important trait to have as an entrepreneur. Being a know it all doesn't help you to be innovative and improve on your ideas.
I put my best effort into what I do. I like to think I have I have a decent amount of integrity as a person, my mantra is to always try to treat others how I want to be treated so I think this has helped me to do well in my work life because I am respected by others.

I asked them what is my secret sauce, and what qualities do I have that would make me a good entrepreneur. I interviewed my parents, my brother and a couple close friends.

The first interview was with my mom. It doesn't surprise me that she said these things because well, she's my mom so naturally she thinks the sun shines out of my a**.

The second interview was with my dad. It was interesting to see what he said about me as an entrepreneur because his dad was a very successful entrepreneur and my dad followed suit and ran the family business with his brothers for many years after my grandpa passed.

My brother had some pretty similar things to say about me as well.

The next two videos are from friends. Basically what they said was similar but a little less detailed which makes sense because they know me in a different way than my family. I had them send me the audio file over whatsapp and as soon as I can figure out how to load to youtube I will post it!! Check back soon
Update: I had to ask them to re-do it because I cannot figure out how to get an audio file uploaded on here from the app. I will post as soon as I get these! (I am currently studying abroad so recording the videos myself was not an option)

My reflection of these interviews is that I am I guess a little surprised on how similar they are to my list. A lot of what they said matched up with each other and with my description of myself as well. This is a good thing and I am glad that I have consistency.

Week 9 Reading Reflection

1) What was the biggest surprise for you in the reading? In other words, what did you read that stood out the most as different from your expectations? 
There was nothing that really surprised me in this reading. Since I just recently took a class in marketing I was familiar with everything the author said about the marketing concepts for entrepreneurs. It basically summed up a lot of the concepts I learned in that class.
2) Identify at least one part of the reading that was confusing to you.
Again there really was not anything in this chapter that surprised or confused me because it was basically review from other classes I took recently.
3) If you were able to ask two questions to the author, what would you ask? Why?
I would probably just ask him what the best marketing strategy would be for my business idea. It's always helpful to get an opinion from someone who is an expert in the area.
4) Was there anything you think the author was wrong about? Where do you disagree with what she or he said? How?
I didn't see anything in particular that I disagreed with or thought the author was wrong about in this chapter.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Idea Napkin No. 2

1)      You. Who you are. What your talents are. What your skills and experiences are. Also: what are your aspirations? Specifically regarding your business concept, how do you see this business (if you were to start it) playing a role in your life?

For the first part of this assignment I feel like I put a decent amount of effort into answering these questions and I don’t want to just copy and paste it all or repeat the whole thing. I would encourage anyone to go and read that part if you are interested. The business idea I came up with is something that I use myself both from the customer and host side. It’s like an Uber or Airbnb type of app where you can drive people and also deliver food, groceries, or anything really. It’s more open ended.

2)      What are you offering to customers? Describe the product or service (in other words, how you'll solve customers' unmet needs).
I think I have to revise the service to be a little bit more specific because at first it was something that would be hard to regulate and put a price on.

3)      Who are you offering it to? Describe, in as much detail as possible, the demographic and psychographic characteristics of your customers. Think especially of this question: what do your customers all have in common?

All of my customers are people who need assistance through use of a car. Some of them don’t have cars, or the time to go out and do things, or they simply would rather pay someone else to do it for them.

4)      Why do they care? Your solution is only valuable insofar as customers believe its valuable to them. Here, explain why customers will actually pay you money to use your product or service.

Sometimes there are no better options. Nowadays people are all about convenience, they are busy. They don’t want to go out of their way when they don’t have to. A lot of people would use this on a regular basis.

5) What are your core competencies? What sets you apart from everyone else? Also: what do you have that nobody else has?  

  The service would be flexible and affordable and allow people to help eachother while making money instead of paying ridiculous amounts to taxi and catering businesses.

 The feedback I got basically just asked how this type of business would come together. I realized it was a little too flexible and had to adjust my plan accordingly. Besides that I got positive feedback.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Week 8 Reading Reflection

1)      What was the biggest surprise for you in the reading? In other words, what did you read that stood out the most as different from your expectations?

I liked the part about where to find start-up capital. I did not now there were so many different ways to get sources of capital.
2)      Identify at least one part of the reading that was confusing to you.
The part about debt financing was a little confusing to me because I don’t know much about the subject.
3)      If you were able to ask two questions to the author, what would you ask? Why?
If I were to launch my business, which sources of financing would be best for me to use at my current age and financial state? If I had a business partner who was in a different place in life (like my parents or something) how would that change your suggestion?
4)      Was there anything you think the author was wrong about? Where do you disagree with what she or he said? How?

There is not really anything that I thought the author was wrong about.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Half-way Reflection

1)      Tenaciousness is a skill. What are the behaviors that you have used (or developed) to keep up with the requirements of this course?
The main skill that I have developed from this course was the ability to go outside of my comfort zone. All of these interviewing assignments are like nothing I’ve ever done before, and I almost feel like I’m taking a speech class or videography class of some sort.
2)      Tenaciousness is also about attitude. Talk about a moment or two when you felt like "giving up." What pulled you through? Do you feel like you've developed a tenacious attitude during the past two months? What experience or experiences most contributed to this?
I’ve honestly felt like giving up so many times throughout the course so far. A lot of these assignments were really challenging for me because I don’t like to be recorded and I have to go way out of my way to complete assignments, especially since I am studying abroad. I think I have improved my tenacity because I can’t afford to take any more zeros on assignments and I need to just find a way to complete them and be done with it!
3)      Three tips. What are three tips you would offer next semester's student about (1) fostering the skills that support tenacity and (2) developing the 'tenacious mindset' ?

Just find a way to make it work and go for it. The great thing about this class is you keep track of your own grades and it’s up to you to make sure you get it done. It doesn’t have to be perfect but just do the best you can. Keep the mindset that you are going to find a way to make it work and just go out and do it.

Image result for tenacious d

Monday, February 22, 2016

Week 7 Reading Reflection

1)      What was the biggest surprise for you in the reading? In other words, what did you read that stood out the most as different from your expectations?
The part about segmentation was a bit confusing to me where it explained how psychographics is used and relied on in marketing but it doesn’t really work
2)      Identify at least one part of the reading that was confusing to you.
I just didn’t really like how the article was set up, it was a bit wordy in the descriptions at some parts and not very concise. I had a difficult time reading the whole thing.
3)      If you were able to ask two questions to the author, what would you ask? Why?
I don’t really have anything that I would need to the ask the author.
4)      Was there anything you think the author was wrong about? Where do you disagree with?

There’s not so much anything I disagree with, just when I was read some observation the author stated, I was hoping his explanations would be a bit more clear and to the point.

Free Money

For starters I have to say that this was the strangest assignment I’ve ever done. It was especially frustrating trying to approach people and giving “dollars” away while I am studying abroad in Spain and most people don’t speak English. I went around my school campus and found some students to approach while they were walking to class or other various things. It was a pretty uncomfortable experience and I felt really rude going up to people and asking if they speak English while my friend followed me with a camera pointing at them. But I was able to get two on camera, I did the best I could. The best pitch I could come up with on the spot for the first one was that I had too much change and no pockets (single Euro’s are only made in coins) and the girl was confused and refused to take it. The second time I tried explaining to the guy I was “paying it forward” and he was also really confused why I was giving him a euro, he didn’t speak English very well and didn’t really understand, but he took it. I was only able to find two English speakers and of them I gave one Euro away. This assignment was actually harder than I thought it would be and I am not surprised with the results. 

Here is the link to my channel, if there are any problems let me know!

Monday, February 15, 2016

Customer Interviews No. 3

As with my last interview, I had a hard time figuring out how to approach this assignment because I am studying abroad and I do not speak the local language well enough to interview strangers, nor are they my ideal demographic. Once again for this interview I decided it would be best to call my mom back in the US and let me interview a few of her co-workers over the phone. If anyone reading this knows of an easy way to record and post FaceTime calls please let me know! They were more than happy to help and I think this has helped me to gain some insight on how the older generations think of my business idea, since it is based off a smartphone app which needs to be user-friendly for all ages. I interviewed two of my moms co-workers and two of my brothers friends as well, (his friends are in their mid-twenties.)

This exercise says that we are just supposed to explain our business idea in a paragraph and record their reflection on it so that’s what I did.

1.      - What is your reaction? Which services do you think you would use? What are your suggestions or concerns?

I think its sounds like a very useful tool that would benefit a lot of people. I think it’s a great idea and I know a lot of people that could use it. My only concern with these sharing app is how you ensure the safety of both parties involved because there is always a possibility of things going wrong.

2.      - What is your reaction? Which services do you think you would use? Suggestions or concerns?

My reaction is good because people are really busy nowadays. As a person that works full time I would be really interested in some of the services. It would be really helpful if I could stay late after work and make overtime and have my food or groceries delivered to me so I can still have time to prepare a meal for my family. Concern would be, how quick could the person deliver the food? How far ahead would you need to order?

3.       -What is your reaction?

Sounds interesting but I personally wouldn’t use it. I don’t think it’s worth paying people to do menial tasks that I don’t mind doing myself, and I already own a car.

-Any suggestions or concerns?

Nothing that comes to mind.

-What is your reaction? Which services do you think you would use? Suggestions or concerns?

It sounds like a good idea, I would probably use the rideshare part. As long as they could get it to me fast, I think it could be a good delivery service for restaurants and fast food. For groceries it could be helpful as long as the item list is spelled out clearly.

I was not too surprised from these interviews. I realize this is idea that takes elements from other businesses that are already flourishing and puts them into one. I also realize that some people will never bother to use this kind of service, for one reason or another, and that’s okay. I think there is a pretty good market that would be interested and I would just have to make sure the customers concerns are addressed.

Week 6 Reading Reflection

1) What was the biggest surprise for you in the reading? In other words, what did you read that stood out the most as different from your expectations?
-It was interesting to see how the author was able to confine their ideas into five main forces and how each of these aspects can shape a strategy.

2) Identify at least one part of the reading that was confusing to you.
-I did not find any parts that were confusing to me. The author did a good job explain and using solid examples.

3) If you were able to ask two questions to the author, what would you ask? Why?
-I would ask the author how they came up with the five forces and why these are most relevant.

4) Was there anything you think the author was wrong about? Where do you disagree with what she or he said? How?

-I didn’t find anything that I thought the author was wrong about. It all made sense to me. 

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Interviewing Customers No. 2

I've had a hard time figuring out exactly how to approach this project because I am studying abroad and since I don't speak the language, I can't really go around interviewing random people on the street. Also, since I plan on living in the US permanently, they are not my ideal demographic. So unfortunately I do not have any videos, but I asked my mom if I could interview a couple of people she works with over the phone, as well as my old roommates friends. I don't know any of these people and they are of all ages, living in the US. My idea is one that is similar to ridesharing and homesharing apps, except it provides a broader range of services such as takeout delivery, grocery delivery, and other services like help moving furniture.

-1. Have you ever used a ride sharing or home sharing app?

Yeah I use Uber all the time, and I've used Lyft before a few times.

-If so, how often do you use these services and what do you think of them?

Uber is great for when I'm going out and don't want to drink and drive, I would not otherwise use taxis.

-If you could get food delivered from any restaurant or store for an affordable price, would you?

Definitely. It would be easier to pay to get these things delivered than to pay for Uber to deliver me to the restaurant and  back!

-What do you think of the idea of using an app to find people to help you with small tasks, like using furniture?

That would be interesting...I usually just ask my roommates or friends but I guess if they weren't around I would need something like that. Moving services are super expensive.

2. Have you ever used a ride sharing or home sharing app?

I have stayed in an Airbnb before, and I have been in an Uber that a friend used. All my friends seem to use it but I don't have the app myself.

-If so, how often do you use these services and what do you think of them?

I thought the Airbnb was great, it was quite a different experience from the usual hotel or bed & breakfast,

-If you could get food delivered from any restaurant or store for an affordable price, would you?

I usually cook for myself but it would be nice to have a way to get groceries delivered when I forget to pick something up! That would be great.

-What do you think of the idea of using an app to find people to help you with small tasks, like using furniture?

Well my husband is usually the one to take care of moving furniture and such, but it sounds like something my daughter in college might find useful.

3. Have you ever used a ride sharing or home sharing app?

I have used Uber before.

-If so, how often do you use these services and what do you think of them?

I used Uber only a handful of times when I was on vacation and didn't have a car.

-If you could get food delivered from any restaurant or store for an affordable price, would you?

Probably not, I like to save money whenever I can so I prefer to pick it up myself.

What do you think of the idea of using an app to find people to help you with small tasks, like using furniture?

Probably not, for the same reason.

4. Have you ever used a ride sharing or home sharing app?

No, I haven't

If so, how often do you use these services and what do you think of them?


If you could get food delivered from any restaurant or store for an affordable price, would you?

I think I would. I get pizza delivered pretty often so it would give me more options for when I don't feel like leaving the house.

What do you think of the idea of using an app to find people to help you with small tasks, like using furniture?

I don't think I would use that.

5. Have you ever used a ride sharing or home sharing app?

I used Airbnb a lot when I traveled abroad, and I use Uber all the time since I don't have a car on campus.

If so, how often do you use these services and what do you think of them?

I use Uber every week. I think it's a life saver!!

If you could get food delivered from any restaurant or store for an affordable price, would you?

Yeah I would!

What do you think of the idea of using an app to find people to help you with small tasks, like using furniture?

I think it's a good idea, I might use that at some point if I needed it.

Week 5 Reading Reflection

This weeks reading I didn’t find anything too surprising. Last semester I took a class on computing in the Business world and learned all about trademarks and intellectual property protection. In the Business Law class we went a little more in depth on this subject as well. I definitely know to be super careful when using any sort of image for my business.
 Creative commons is a good place to find pictures that are open for use to the public. Many of these allow alterations, or even use for profit without having to buy any rights. Before launching a business, it’s always good to hire a lawyer to make sure you are doing everything within the law. A real easy way to ensure that your business goes broke quickly is to get sued by a bigger company!

Elevator Pitch No. 1

My idea is something I have had a need for myself over the past couple of weeks. I am studying abroad and living in a big city where not many people own cars, and we have to walk around very often. I went hiking a few weeks ago and injured my foot so I have had a really hard time getting anywhere, which makes it hard for me to do a lot of things. Back in my home town I use ridesharing apps, and I also use homesharing apps like Airbnb for my travels. This has given me the idea of a multifunctional service to and from your average everyday people. 

The unemployment rate is extremely high for young people here in Madrid. It’s sad to see how many people are asking for money or just playing their guitar every day in the metro stations. I can’t imagine what an impact it would have on them to be able to make money on their own through another app for deliveries. Anyone with a car can take orders from people and deliver it to them. It’s a combination of ridesharing, food takeout deliveries from restaurants, and even groceries. Even if someone just needs an extra hand moving furniture, or wants to rent out someone’s TV to watch the game. You basically have the option to rent people to do whatever small services you may need, and it would be based on a rating and reviews system.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Week 4 Reading Reflection

 The part that stood out most to me was reading about all the different types of entrepreneurs. I never really thought of it that way, that there are specific types. Entrepreneurship is such a broad field, and can be anything from a huge profit maker, to a non-profit service that can change the world. I especially liked the part about social entrepreneurs, introducing change through revolutionary ideas. Reading some of these examples was a bit inspiring. There is so much opportunity for us with an entrepreneur mindset!
There was nothing in this chapter that was necessarily confusing to me, but just a bit eye opening. I’ve found this this subject is interesting to study. I feel inspired with ideas when I think of all the opportunities I could have as an entrepreneur.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Top 5 World Problems

1. Ignorance. I would say ignorance is the number one problem in the world. A lot of these world problems I've listed are avoidable, or their impact can be greatly reduced. The problem is that so many people choose to turn the other cheek and continue to live their lives the way they want, without thinking about the consequences.

2. The destruction of our environment.

3. Lack of clean water.

4. Poverty and world hunger

5. Waste/pollution


1. Poverty and world hunger. There are impoverished families in countries all over the world. These people are struggling to get food and water, while many other's are becoming filthy rich and wasting so much.

-I believe this is the most possible to implement because we already have what it takes to fix this problem, it's just a matter of getting people to do it. We have the capability to end world hunger.

2. Overpopulation.  -The solution would be for people to reproduce less, which is very possible.

3. Availability of energy. We are using up too much energy and it is becoming scarce.
-A solution would be to conserve!! Also implementing the use of solar power, wind power, and other natural sources of power.

4. Pollution/Waste.
-The solution to this would be to conserve!! Use biodegradable products. Plastic water bottles need to be obsolete, and replaced with a biodegradable alternative, for example.

5. Lack of clean water. -The best solution to this would also be to conserve!! Waste less, take fewer, shorter showers. Don't water your lawn every day, If everyone started doing this, we could conserve so much water.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Week 3 Reading Reflection

1) What was the biggest surprise for you in the reading? In other words, what did you read that stood out the most as different from your expectations? 
What stood out to me was when the book stated that people with type A personality make the best entrepreneurs. I am extremely type B and I think there are good and bad traits that would make us better entrepreneurs in some aspects. 

2) Identify at least one part of the reading that was confusing to you.
There was nothing really confusing to me in this part of the reading. Most of it made sense.
3) If you were able to ask two questions to the author, what would you ask? Why?
How he came up with the list of traits, and why he ranked them the way he did.

4) Was there anything you think the author was wrong about? Where do you disagree with what she or he said? How?
In addition to the first question, I think being a business owner means you have to have solid people skills, and a lot of type A personalities are lacking in that area.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Identifying Local Opportunities

1. High winds knock out power for thousands in Miami-Dade, Broward
Thousands of Miami residents lost power due to winds
 3,000 customers in Miami-Dade county and 2,000 in Broward are powerless

The people who have this problem are the residents who lost power, as well as the FPL employees who are trying to fix it

2. Why community banks are an endangered species and how than can hurt Central Florida's small businesses
Orlando's community banks which build close relationships with local business owners and are main source of loans for businesses continues to disappear from Orlando local banking landscape. Community banks help development of the community and work side-by-side with business owners to accomplish their goals and objectives. 
Fewer community banks means fewer choices for business owners to get loans, higher prices and less service.
The people of Orlando have this problem, the small businesses are affected which will affect the families of business owners.

3. Florida leads U.S. in new HIV cases after years of cuts in public health

As the size of the Health Departments are shrinking, the number of HIV cases are going up in Florida. Armstrong said Florida is spending a record $34 million on HIV and AIDS prevention this year, thanks to a federal grant. He did not dispute the rise in infections.

 Spending is cut in public health, and the governor of FL is not treating it as a crisis.

This is a problem for the residents of Florida. Almost anyone can be affected by this deadly virus and the number of cases is rising.

4. Climate change could cost jobs in South Florida, says White House adviser
Flooding and coastal erosion could threaten Miami's tourism and real estate sectors. And climate change-caused disruption around the world could disrupt the global supply chain, killing the region's ability to import and export valuable goods.

Problem: 2015 was the hottest year on record. If sea levels keep rising as polar ice melts, one analysis shows that Miami property owners could from coastal flooding. No region in the country faces a greater threat from flooding

All of the residents of Miami, the real estate workers, and the tourists who go to Miami have this problem because it has an effect on them.

5. WSVN remains blacked out on AT&T U-verse in South Florida
Description: The channel WVSN remains unavailable to subscribers of AT&T's U-verse television service.

Problem: Whether a dispute over transmission fees between the two companies will be resolved in time for the game remains up in the air. 

The channel has the problem, along with AT&T U-verse and it's paying customers.