Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Very Short Interview, Part 2

What is the best advice you can give a prospective entrepreneur?

To go for it. Most people have an idea of what they want to do but they are hesitant to make it happen and end up working for someone else and staying there.

Do you plan on staying with your current business, or selling it?

My plan is to eventually sell it, once we get things going here and are able to make a good profit. As much as I love my job, and owning a business, I don't want to work in a bar for life. As I get older I have other ideas that I want to pursue.

My plan is and has always been to get my business going and to sell it.

The hardest thing for me to overcome as an entrepreneur is when we had a some trouble with our first college bar and eventually had to close it down. Business was always good, but the place would get trashed, we had problems with underage kids trying to drink on property, and it was hard to keep a consistent staff. These students would graduate or transfer, and their class schedule changed every semester so it was a little chaotic to plan around that. We sold the business and decided to open a new and improved one, which turned out to be much more successful.

I felt a little more comfortable interviewing him now that I have a bit more background and insight on being an entrepreneur myself. However, this is someone that I used to work for and I had a good idea of what his answers would be because I have asked him before.


  1. Hi Kelsey,

    Looks like you got great insight to what entrepreneur is all about. Glad to see they went on to open a new and improved business and is successful. I believe the exercises that we have completed in this class has helped us all grow, whether we plan to pursue our business venture or just learn from it. Best wishes if you decide to move forward with your plan.

    This was one of the few assignments I didn’t complete so unable to share my link.

  2. Hi Kelsey, thank you for your post. It's interesting to hear about his failures with the first bar, and how he was able to get past it and find success. I wonder if he recognized the potential positives in the failure at the time. I know for me it's tough to recognize that positive aspect in failure, but this class has definitely opened my eyes up to the possibility.

    Best of luck in all you do. Have a look at my blog here when you get a moment.

  3. Kelsey:
    It is great to interview someone you already know, and being able to feel more comfortable about that particular person, and also more comfortable about your own entrepreneur background. It is sometimes hard trying to ask things you don't really know and try to keep up to the knowledge level of the person you are interviewing. Great job, I really enjoyed your post! feel free to leave some feedback on my own post

  4. Kelsey, you did a great job in your second interview. I was interested in hearing about some of the failures that your entrepreneur encountered. It also takes courage to reach out to the same person again so good job with that!

  5. Kelsey,

    Great Interview! I think it is cool that this is a person you used to work for, because no you will always be able to go to them for entrepreneurial advice, should you continue with your venture! I do not have a post for this assignment, so I do not have a link to share. But, good luck with your venture in the future!

  6. I think you got some very great information from your interview. I think from this you got to see the side of being an entrepreneur where you do not keep your business, you get it running and the sell it. I think this is a good idea for anyone that wants to do other things in your life. I think keeping some ties in the company is good though because it is still something you created that is successful. Here is the link to my blog post:
