Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Venture Concept No. 2

For my venture concept, a lot of people gave me feedback that this service would be useful and successful to a wide range of people. However, I also got a lot of feedback saying my idea is too common and needs to have something that will make it stand out from the rest.

Instead of repeating everything I wrote the first time around, I will sum it up. My idea is almost exactly the same as that business idea we had to do a survey on for extra credit. (An app for food deliveries, help moving, as well as ride-sharing like Uber, the options are endless.) Seeing my exact idea come to life in the video those people provided was really cool. It makes me feel like I know I came up with an idea that could be useful. On the downside, I had no idea until taking that survey that there is someone in Gainesville trying to make this idea into a business already. I guess time will tell if my idea really is something that will work. I am thankful for this feedback and for taking that survey because I honestly didn’t plan an actually becoming an entrepreneur anytime soon but it would be interesting to see hypothetically how it would work out.

If I did want to develop this app the one advantage I would have is that I actually live next to UCF campus in Orlando. UCF has the largest student population in the country and it’s so close to so many other schools. For an app that is especially helpful to students, and ran mostly by students, I think that would put me at an advantage over someone starting the business in Gainesville. There are also a lot of young professionals living in Orlando, as well as families from all over the world, retirees, and many many tourists that I think could benefit from using my app. The advantages I would have just from the market size in my area are what I think would really help this app to take off. With all that being said, the main thing I would change is to focus on a broader range of demographics than just students. 


  1. Hi Kelsey,

    I enjoyed reading about your business idea. You mention people felt your idea was too common. My feedback read similar to that for the first half of the semester, when I decided to create a banking idea. I eventually changed my concept and found greater success with my second idea involving live music production. Your idea may be common among entrepreneurs as I’ve seen in this class, however opportunity exists. You may innovate a new business while keeping in mind competition is likely to emerge very quickly. An aggressive marketing campaign can help you overcome this problem. Good luck on your next semester.

    You can view my “Venture Concept No. 2” Here.

  2. Hey Kelsey! I really enjoyed reading your venture concept and great job writing it! I know it was a tough assignment so its great to see that you were able to do it so proffesionally. Your idea seems streamlined and needed in todays world and I hop it one day makes it out onto the market!
    great job!

  3. Having an idea like this is really cool, but it does run into the problem of having a lot of competition. I think moving operations to UCF and Orlando is definitely a smart idea. With more customers you would compete less, and could more easily specialize either in a certain area or with certain products. If you are interested, I will leave a link to my blog post below.

  4. Hey Kelsey!
    I think you have a really great idea going. I am glad that you were able to sum it up so thoroughly. It is really nice that you are taking advantage of what Orlando has to offer as far as the student population goes. Great post! Here is the link to my blog:

  5. Hi Kelsey,

    I think your idea is interesting. It is something that I would try and use! I think that marketing is going to be key in having a successful business plan! Having it in Orlando will give you a major advantage and it will be very beneficial to succeeding.

    Check mine out at :
