Sunday, April 17, 2016

Google Gold

Honestly I didn’t do much for SEO since this is for a class and not a business idea that I have solidified or plan on actually implementing in the near future. It’s a good idea I think, but I have to focus on finishing school before I really put my ideas out there. I don’t have time to do both.

I opted not to include my social media in this blog for the above reasons. I made sure to comment on other posts in this class with a link to my blog in order to get feedback from other students in the same boat. I don’t believe that linking my social media to my blog for this class would be beneficial, since I am not planning on becoming an entrepreneur until I am finished with my degree.

My venture concept and my social capital had the most traffic from my blog. They each had the highest number of views as well as the most comments. I’m not exactly sure how, but I think it’s because I put the most time and effort into writing these posts. I tried to be as thorough as I could be in answering all of the questions and explaining my ideas. I’ve seen a lot of blog posts that have hardly anything written and those that didn’t seem to follow along with the assignment guidelines very well. I think maybe people found my blog and chose to comment on it because there was a lot of substance put into my work on these occasions. According to a lot of the comments, people who take this class seriously tend to appreciate those other students who put time and thought into their blog posts.


  1. Hi Kelsey, I thought the same thing as you – I didn’t really invest much (if any) time into SEO or social media. As far as what generated the most traffic on my end, it was too, my first venture concept. My first venture concept generated 21 views and 7 comments. I’m not sure if that’s a whole lot, but it is by far my most viewed assignment. You can check out my Google Gold assignment at the link below.

  2. Kelsey, we started this post nearly identical! I also didn't put much effort into advertising my blog but can see how it would be beneficial to do so. Social media is a great way to spread the word, especially in an area like UF. Feel free to checkout my blog post:
