Thursday, February 4, 2016

Interviewing Customers No. 2

I've had a hard time figuring out exactly how to approach this project because I am studying abroad and since I don't speak the language, I can't really go around interviewing random people on the street. Also, since I plan on living in the US permanently, they are not my ideal demographic. So unfortunately I do not have any videos, but I asked my mom if I could interview a couple of people she works with over the phone, as well as my old roommates friends. I don't know any of these people and they are of all ages, living in the US. My idea is one that is similar to ridesharing and homesharing apps, except it provides a broader range of services such as takeout delivery, grocery delivery, and other services like help moving furniture.

-1. Have you ever used a ride sharing or home sharing app?

Yeah I use Uber all the time, and I've used Lyft before a few times.

-If so, how often do you use these services and what do you think of them?

Uber is great for when I'm going out and don't want to drink and drive, I would not otherwise use taxis.

-If you could get food delivered from any restaurant or store for an affordable price, would you?

Definitely. It would be easier to pay to get these things delivered than to pay for Uber to deliver me to the restaurant and  back!

-What do you think of the idea of using an app to find people to help you with small tasks, like using furniture?

That would be interesting...I usually just ask my roommates or friends but I guess if they weren't around I would need something like that. Moving services are super expensive.

2. Have you ever used a ride sharing or home sharing app?

I have stayed in an Airbnb before, and I have been in an Uber that a friend used. All my friends seem to use it but I don't have the app myself.

-If so, how often do you use these services and what do you think of them?

I thought the Airbnb was great, it was quite a different experience from the usual hotel or bed & breakfast,

-If you could get food delivered from any restaurant or store for an affordable price, would you?

I usually cook for myself but it would be nice to have a way to get groceries delivered when I forget to pick something up! That would be great.

-What do you think of the idea of using an app to find people to help you with small tasks, like using furniture?

Well my husband is usually the one to take care of moving furniture and such, but it sounds like something my daughter in college might find useful.

3. Have you ever used a ride sharing or home sharing app?

I have used Uber before.

-If so, how often do you use these services and what do you think of them?

I used Uber only a handful of times when I was on vacation and didn't have a car.

-If you could get food delivered from any restaurant or store for an affordable price, would you?

Probably not, I like to save money whenever I can so I prefer to pick it up myself.

What do you think of the idea of using an app to find people to help you with small tasks, like using furniture?

Probably not, for the same reason.

4. Have you ever used a ride sharing or home sharing app?

No, I haven't

If so, how often do you use these services and what do you think of them?


If you could get food delivered from any restaurant or store for an affordable price, would you?

I think I would. I get pizza delivered pretty often so it would give me more options for when I don't feel like leaving the house.

What do you think of the idea of using an app to find people to help you with small tasks, like using furniture?

I don't think I would use that.

5. Have you ever used a ride sharing or home sharing app?

I used Airbnb a lot when I traveled abroad, and I use Uber all the time since I don't have a car on campus.

If so, how often do you use these services and what do you think of them?

I use Uber every week. I think it's a life saver!!

If you could get food delivered from any restaurant or store for an affordable price, would you?

Yeah I would!

What do you think of the idea of using an app to find people to help you with small tasks, like using furniture?

I think it's a good idea, I might use that at some point if I needed it.


  1. Kelsey,

    As someone who hasn't done the interviews because I hate approaching strangers and talking to them, I can't imagine how much worse your situation is. I do commend you for still trying to do the assignment. I am a bit confused on your idea though...and how exactly would it be different from Uber or other competitors already on the market?

    Again, I didn't do this assignment, but if you want to take a look at my blog, here's the link:

  2. Kelsey I too didn't do the interviews not because i was lazy but as a full time father, sales manager and caring for a wife that recently had surgery my time has been minimal at best. I do commend you on your work without having the ability to interview strangers in a forghen land. Good Job!!

  3. That is definitely a tough situation to try and interview people that speak a different language and I think you calling your mothers' friends was a great idea. I think this is a good idea but you have to make sure it is different than all the other ride-sharing services already out there. You mentioned that it would entail more than just that service but you have to make sure that it isn't too many services as then your business doesn't have a main goal. Great work!

  4. Hey Kelsey,

    I think it’s great that you’re studying from another country, and I can imagine how difficult it can be to do some of these exercises. I think you did a really good job being creative, and I found your idea really interesting! It’s definitely cool to see everyone’s different answers to similar questions, and overall I think you did a great job with this post.

    Here’s a link to my blog if you want to check it out!

    Thank you!

  5. Hey Kelsey,

    Your interviewing questions are great and seemed to have allowed for great responses. I wish I could have seen the video recordings of these conversations so that I could see how they reacted to your questions, but I understand since you are overseas. I believe your company design for a ride sharing app would be beneficial to all involved. Please check out my blog at:

  6. Kelsey, I like the opportunity you came up with. I would personally use a service that delivers my food especially during busy times of the year like finals week. I think next week when your interviewing people make your questions more specific to the opportunity; how much would you pay for a delivery food service? how long would you be willing to wait for your food to be delivered?...questions like that will get you better solutions to your opportunity. Have a good time studying abroad and check out my blog

  7. Great job identifying a solution in such a unsolvable problem! Your app sounds like a bit of a swiss-army knife. I think these are real problems which is why so many apps have been developed to meet those needs. I have a hard time visualizing how these elements would commingle into one app. I think there's some "magic" that you see that others have not yet recognized. Looking forward to seeing how this shapes up!

  8. Hey Kelsey, I am pleased to hear that you found a way to embrace the challenge of interviewing random people by using your connections back here in the United States. I enjoyed reading about your interviews, it is a great opportunity to provide, hopefully, an affordable service to assist individuals in common living activities, such as moving furniture. I am curious to what the application's final result will be and wish you the best in your works and efforts! Check me out:;postID=8958040727966621091;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=1;src=postname
