Monday, February 22, 2016

Free Money

For starters I have to say that this was the strangest assignment I’ve ever done. It was especially frustrating trying to approach people and giving “dollars” away while I am studying abroad in Spain and most people don’t speak English. I went around my school campus and found some students to approach while they were walking to class or other various things. It was a pretty uncomfortable experience and I felt really rude going up to people and asking if they speak English while my friend followed me with a camera pointing at them. But I was able to get two on camera, I did the best I could. The best pitch I could come up with on the spot for the first one was that I had too much change and no pockets (single Euro’s are only made in coins) and the girl was confused and refused to take it. The second time I tried explaining to the guy I was “paying it forward” and he was also really confused why I was giving him a euro, he didn’t speak English very well and didn’t really understand, but he took it. I was only able to find two English speakers and of them I gave one Euro away. This assignment was actually harder than I thought it would be and I am not surprised with the results. 

Here is the link to my channel, if there are any problems let me know!


  1. Hi Kelsey!

    I completely agree with you that this was a strange assignment. It also must have been much harder for you than other students since you have the language barrier in Spain. I think you did an awesome job considering your circumstances and it must had really challenged your comfort zone.

    You can check out my free dollar videos on my blog here!

  2. Hi Kelsey, good job on the assignment especially considering your special circumstances. It must have been challenging for you because of the language barrier unlike for the students in the USA who could talk in their native language. It’s really funny how the first person just accepted the money basically without asking any questions and in the second video the girl just simply refused it.
