Thursday, February 4, 2016

Elevator Pitch No. 1

My idea is something I have had a need for myself over the past couple of weeks. I am studying abroad and living in a big city where not many people own cars, and we have to walk around very often. I went hiking a few weeks ago and injured my foot so I have had a really hard time getting anywhere, which makes it hard for me to do a lot of things. Back in my home town I use ridesharing apps, and I also use homesharing apps like Airbnb for my travels. This has given me the idea of a multifunctional service to and from your average everyday people. 

The unemployment rate is extremely high for young people here in Madrid. It’s sad to see how many people are asking for money or just playing their guitar every day in the metro stations. I can’t imagine what an impact it would have on them to be able to make money on their own through another app for deliveries. Anyone with a car can take orders from people and deliver it to them. It’s a combination of ridesharing, food takeout deliveries from restaurants, and even groceries. Even if someone just needs an extra hand moving furniture, or wants to rent out someone’s TV to watch the game. You basically have the option to rent people to do whatever small services you may need, and it would be based on a rating and reviews system.


  1. Hey Kelsey! I think your idea is pretty cool, because it allows you to call upon someone for basically whatever you need and someone will probably be willing to do it! Unfortunately, I cannot critique your actual elevator pitch because there is no video posted, so I will instead critique your idea. While I agree that this app would be cool, it does not pertain to the people you are talking about. The people on the streets of Madrid who are asking for handouts or playing their guitars in the metrostation probably do not have smartphones and/or cars, which would be required for them to work using the app. Perhaps a better group of people to market this to would be high school or college students who are looking to make a few extra dollars without the commitment of having an actual part-time job. If you'd like to check out my pitch, you can do so here:

  2. Hey there,

    Your idea shows a lot of promise. I think it could be very helpful, especially for people in your situation. However, I worry about ride-sharing in other countries. Some people and taxi companies hate ride-sharing apps such as uber and have even vandalized vehicles or attacked drivers. I think that with proper security measures and background checks, your company could be successful. Finally, I see that you did not post a video but for the next elevator pitch just try and write out 4-5 bullet points and go through them for 60 seconds on camera and that's about it! Really easy once you do it once.
    Check out my post if you want to get a better idea of an elevator pitch!

  3. Hi Kelsey! I really like your idea and think it'll be a great way for people to earn some money. I like that it really takes constraints away from performing various services, people can do multiple things, like ride sharing, but it should be a thing that they can choose what they do and don't want to do. Your target audience might have some trouble because they may not own cars or cellphones but this could be a great idea for younger people looking for extra money.

  4. Hello Kelsey, I really like your idea and have actually heard of something very similar that is about to be released by a few men in Gainesville called Qwerk. Although different, Qwerk is an app that is linked to your FaceBook profile and gives you the ability to ask for a particular service or product and purchase it from your friends. In other countries, I feel like this could be more difficult. Although I can't critique your elevator pitch, because you have no provided one. I think you are headed in the right direction with something that people would actually use.

    If interested, you can check mine out here:

