Monday, February 15, 2016

Customer Interviews No. 3

As with my last interview, I had a hard time figuring out how to approach this assignment because I am studying abroad and I do not speak the local language well enough to interview strangers, nor are they my ideal demographic. Once again for this interview I decided it would be best to call my mom back in the US and let me interview a few of her co-workers over the phone. If anyone reading this knows of an easy way to record and post FaceTime calls please let me know! They were more than happy to help and I think this has helped me to gain some insight on how the older generations think of my business idea, since it is based off a smartphone app which needs to be user-friendly for all ages. I interviewed two of my moms co-workers and two of my brothers friends as well, (his friends are in their mid-twenties.)

This exercise says that we are just supposed to explain our business idea in a paragraph and record their reflection on it so that’s what I did.

1.      - What is your reaction? Which services do you think you would use? What are your suggestions or concerns?

I think its sounds like a very useful tool that would benefit a lot of people. I think it’s a great idea and I know a lot of people that could use it. My only concern with these sharing app is how you ensure the safety of both parties involved because there is always a possibility of things going wrong.

2.      - What is your reaction? Which services do you think you would use? Suggestions or concerns?

My reaction is good because people are really busy nowadays. As a person that works full time I would be really interested in some of the services. It would be really helpful if I could stay late after work and make overtime and have my food or groceries delivered to me so I can still have time to prepare a meal for my family. Concern would be, how quick could the person deliver the food? How far ahead would you need to order?

3.       -What is your reaction?

Sounds interesting but I personally wouldn’t use it. I don’t think it’s worth paying people to do menial tasks that I don’t mind doing myself, and I already own a car.

-Any suggestions or concerns?

Nothing that comes to mind.

-What is your reaction? Which services do you think you would use? Suggestions or concerns?

It sounds like a good idea, I would probably use the rideshare part. As long as they could get it to me fast, I think it could be a good delivery service for restaurants and fast food. For groceries it could be helpful as long as the item list is spelled out clearly.

I was not too surprised from these interviews. I realize this is idea that takes elements from other businesses that are already flourishing and puts them into one. I also realize that some people will never bother to use this kind of service, for one reason or another, and that’s okay. I think there is a pretty good market that would be interested and I would just have to make sure the customers concerns are addressed.


  1. I had to use phone interviews this round due to me being sick and I found that people seem to be a little less receptive than if you interview them in person. Interviewing older people for your product is a great idea as the population of older people is growing substantially as the Baby Boomers are getting older and are a large market segment. Great work! Here's the link to mine

  2. Kelsey,

    You are obviously in a strange situation being abroad for your studies so you couldn't provide video footage. The videos are helpful because we could better understand how they comprehend your questions. I love your idea for and think it would be a great success in the future. This idea corresponds greatly to my bike sharing system for my project. Check out my blog at:
