Thursday, January 28, 2016

Top 5 World Problems

1. Ignorance. I would say ignorance is the number one problem in the world. A lot of these world problems I've listed are avoidable, or their impact can be greatly reduced. The problem is that so many people choose to turn the other cheek and continue to live their lives the way they want, without thinking about the consequences.

2. The destruction of our environment.

3. Lack of clean water.

4. Poverty and world hunger

5. Waste/pollution


1. Poverty and world hunger. There are impoverished families in countries all over the world. These people are struggling to get food and water, while many other's are becoming filthy rich and wasting so much.

-I believe this is the most possible to implement because we already have what it takes to fix this problem, it's just a matter of getting people to do it. We have the capability to end world hunger.

2. Overpopulation.  -The solution would be for people to reproduce less, which is very possible.

3. Availability of energy. We are using up too much energy and it is becoming scarce.
-A solution would be to conserve!! Also implementing the use of solar power, wind power, and other natural sources of power.

4. Pollution/Waste.
-The solution to this would be to conserve!! Use biodegradable products. Plastic water bottles need to be obsolete, and replaced with a biodegradable alternative, for example.

5. Lack of clean water. -The best solution to this would also be to conserve!! Waste less, take fewer, shorter showers. Don't water your lawn every day, If everyone started doing this, we could conserve so much water.


  1. Kelsey, I went back and read your top 10 world problems post as well and you have a great list of problems that are big issues in our world today. You and I share 2 or 3 of the top world problems in our top 5. And I agree with you that so many of the problems we have today are avoidable people just need to be educated and have the compassion to help make changes. On the solutions part of your rankings I think that you were suppose to only use the problems that you listed in your top 5 and rank them from most likely to least likely to be implemented. Overall great job though! You can see me lists here:

  2. Kelsey,

    I like that you brought up ignorance as a huge world problem. I completely agree that with more education or knowledge on a lot of the problems we have now, the problems would be greatly reduced or nonexistent. I also had a lack of clean water in my top 5 world problems, I think it's such a big issue because it is necessary for all life. If you'd like to check mine out in further detail, my page is
