Sunday, January 17, 2016

Bug List

Bug List
1.       It bugs me when I am working on something important, like an assignment or an important conversation and I have faulty Wi-fi
2.       It bugs me when I have to repeat myself several times because people can’t understand what I’m saying
-This bug exists because I am very soft spoken.
3. It bugs me when my laptop overheats when I use it for a long period of time
4. It bugs me how quickly my battery dies on my iPhone
-This is because I usually have a lot of apps open and forget to close them out. Also, when I am in areas of poor service, like the metro station
5. It really bugs me that I am studying abroad and AT&T is making it extremely difficult for me to get my phone unlocked so I can contact anyone
-This is because my contract just ran out and they want me to sign another.
6. It bugs me when my roommate leaves the window open at night and it’s very cold in our house.
-She does this because she is always hot.
7. It bugs me that customer service in general is much worse in Spain than it is in the states.
-This is because people working in the service industry here don’t work for tips and therefore, do not care to please the customer.
8. It bugs me when I’m driving and other driver’s on the road fail to use their turn signals.
-This seems to be a common thing in Florida, I think people just forget and don’t care.
9. It bugs me when people talk too much just for the sake of talking.
-I realize this isn’t very specific, but it is a big pet peeve of mine.
10. It bugs me when I have to wait in a line at a grocery store with one item when the people in front of me have a cart full.
-This bug exists because it’s easy to get impatient when I know I could be in and out of the store much quicker
11. It bugs me when I go grocery shopping and there is only one register open on the other side of the store.
-This is a common thing at Walmart. Probably because they don’t have enough staff.
12. It bugs me when I’m driving and people speed around me and cut me off just to get one car length ahead of me and wait at a red light.
-I think some people are just extremely impatient
13. It bugs me when I am at work and a customer asks me the price of an item instead of reading the price tag.
-It bothers me because it happens so often and I don’t understand why.
14. It bugs me when my customers get mad at me for something I have no control over, like if an item they were looking for is out of stock.
-I work at a busy store and we often run out of the most common sizes.
15. It bugs me when someone calls me and I call back 5 minutes later and they don’t answer.
16. It bugs me when I drink 2 cups of coffee and still feel exhausted.
17. It bugs me when I am actively trying to be positive in life and I am asked to list 20 things that bug me.
18. It bugs me when people walk really slow in front of me when I am trying to get somewhere
19. It also really bugs me when people stand right in front of a walk way or door way so nobody can pass.
20. It bugs me when it’s so cold out that my phone stops working.

I found this exercise to be fairly difficult and a little confusing. I was not sure how relevant my bugs are, but this was the best I could come up with at the time. I try not to think of all the small things in  life that bother me so it makes it a little hard to sit down and write up a list of these things. 


  1. Hi Kelsey! Number 12 on your list is exactly like one of the bugs on my own list, Cars are always speeding around me just to get to a red light first and I don’t understand it. For me it only makes since if I’m in the right lane and they want to make a right turn but I’m going to go straight than I can kind of see why they would want to get around me. In general though, I think it’s unsafe especially when they cut me off at the last minute and don’t use their signal. Great job overall, I found a lot of similarities within our lists.

  2. As I was reading your bug list, I couldn't help but go, "I hate that, too!" Number 17 made me laugh, and I've had similar experience to your number 5. I have T-Mobile, but I had bought a phone from Sprint and it took SO long to get it unlocked (not to mention is wasn't that easy)! Furthermore, I also found this exercise hard, and I feel like my bugs were very random (here's a link to my blogpost so that you can check it out:

    Overall, I loved reading your list, and I agreed with a lot of them. Just remember next time to include descriptions in all of your posts underneath the bugs like our professor wanted.
