Thursday, January 14, 2016

My Entrepreneurship Story

Week 2

My most relevant experience with entrepreneurship was growing up around the entrepreneurs in my family. My dad and his brothers own a very successful business based out of Illinois. My grandpa started this business and carried it on to his four sons as the business expanded. On my mom's side, my great grandpa bought a large piece of land on the shores of the Great Lakes in Michigan. There were several abandoned cabins there at the time, and he decided to fix them up and start a small beach resort where he rented the cabins during the summer. This resort has been in my family since 1956, and since then my uncles have expanded and built more cabins and amenities for the property. Seeing my parents work in our family-made businesses for many years has taught me what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur. It has also made me realize how hard it can be. Owning a business takes a lot of dedication. At the end of the day, it's up to you to make sure your business does not fail. There are definitely a good amount of pro's as well as con's to being an entrepreneur.

I have enrolled in ENT 3003 because it was part of my set academic plan, honestly. I have always considered the option of being an entrepreneur myself. Although, it does not exactly match up with my career aspirations, things change and you don't always know where you may end up in life. I want to work in health administration in a hospital and will most likely start out in Human Resources. I hope this class can help me to be better at what I do, and to always think outside of the box. If I can find a way to be my own boss someday I would jump at the opportunity. After all, Oprah had just got fired from her job as a reporter at my age. Who would've known she would go on to be so successful?


  1. I really like how in depth you got about your future plans, and how this class may benefit you in a way. Also, I found what your great grandpa did with the cabins. That is awesome how he started his own business from scratch. It is also impressive that the family business is still up and running. This class will for sure help you succeed.

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  3. Kelsey!! keep your plans up! i consider that it was a good that you were risen from parents that are entrepreneur. Even though you were young i think that it definitely started that entrepreneur fire in you! i know that you will sometime learn and have the experience to build anything you think will work !! i really enjoyed your story!
