Wednesday, January 20, 2016

World's Biggest Problems

The Worlds Biggest Problems, not necessarily in order

1. The environment. The world is becoming overpopulated and humans are depleting our resources and destroying the earth. Deforestation is out of control, our carbon footprint is increasing, animals are becoming extinct, and we are running out of room for everyone.

-If there was a simple solution to this problem, it would not be a problem. That goes for most of the worlds biggest problems, but this one is a big deal. We need to be more aware of how much we waste, trees need to be planted in place of those that are cut down, and we need to find better natural sources of energy.

2. Poverty and world hunger. There are impoverished families in countries all over the world. These people are struggling to get food and water, while many other's are becoming filthy rich and wasting so much.

-A simple solution would be for all the first world countries to make a effort to come together and help third world countries to develop. There have always been people trying to help out, but if the majority of rich people got involved it would help immensely. Imagine if every single person who wasn't impoverished chipped in just a little money each year?

3. Nuclear weapons. This one is simple, nuclear weapons are being made that could bring the world to destruction. This is not one of those problems that you see day-to-day, but it was the capability of ending life as we know it.

-The solution to this would be to destroy all weapons in every country and to never make any more, and we would all live happily ever after. Wishful thinking at it's best.

4. Climate change. This is one that is hard to be sure about the amount of damage done, but according to a lot of scientists it is a real threat to us and it us due to human activity.

-The solution would be to drastically reduce waste, consumption, and use of energy.

5. Hate, or more specially, acts of terrorism. If anything proves that terrorism is a big problem in the world, it's the attack on 9/11. Mass shootings are happening more frequently than ever. There are people killing hundreds of others because of religion, or because of mental health issues. History tends to repeat itself and these types of terrorist attacks could be the cause of the next World War.

-I can't think of a good solution to this. Even without religious extremists, people would kill others just to kill. If only everyone listened to John Lennon and decided to give peace a chance.

6. Lack of clean water. Drinkable water is becoming more and more scarce. Even in cities like Flint, MI, people are being poisoned by the high amount of lead in their tap water. What are we going to do when we run out?

-The best solution to this is to conserve!! Waste less, take fewer, shorter showers. Don't water your lawn every day, If everyone started doing this, we could reserve so much water.

7. The increasing global population. The world population is growing rapidly, and this is the root cause of so many others problems. Overpopulation makes water, food, energy, and land more scarce. The fact that medical technology is increasing the longevity of human life does not help this problem either.

-The only solution would be for people to reproduce less. This may sound unjust to some, but if there were a way to require people to be sterilized until they reach a point in life where they can afford to support a family, it would greatly decrease the overpopulation of the world.

8. Ignorance. I would say ignorance is the number one problem in the world. A lot of these world problems I've listed are avoidable, or can be reduced. The problem is that so many people choose to turn the other cheek and continue to live their lives the way they want, without thinking about the consequences.

-If anyone finds a solution to ignorance, please let me know. Although I think the Internet is going to help people to be more informed on what's going on in the world and maybe push them to make a change in their own lives.

9. Availability of energy. We are using up too much energy and it is becoming scarce.

-A solution would be to conserve!! Also implementing the use of solar power, wind power, and other natural sources of power.

10. Pollution. This one is tied into several other problems listed. But pollution of all kinds is the root of many of these problems in the world. Pollution is so bad in some cities that people are getting sick just from breathing the air. In Japan, people are buying canisters of oxygen to huff throughout the day just to give their throat some relief.

-The solution to this would be to conserve!! Use biodegradable products. Plastic water bottles need to be obsolete, and replaced with something that won't cause so much pollution.


  1. It seems like you have some pretty good problems that need solving. However, the rate of population growth has actually slowed significatantly. It's actually going down. The US is capable of feeding those countries pretty easily but pays farmers not to grow crops so they can artificially raise prices. Nuclear energy gets a bad rap because horrible people are using it for the wrong reasons. Nuclear power plants are safe clean and cost effective. The risk of accidents in nuclear power plants is low and declining. The consequences of an accident or terrorist attack are minimal compared with other commonly accepted risks. I think those are some pretty viable solutions. Here's my link:

    1. Also people are buying cannisters in Beijing not Japan. Japan is actually a very clean country.

  2. Kelsey, this is a really good blog post and you seemed to have really thought about your answers. I do agree with Rodger about world hunger, we could feed those countries but economies would collapse if we did. Nuclear weapons are sometimes necessary when terrorists are threatening the safety of your country..but in the wrong hands I agree they're not great. I also think lack of clean water is a problem that needs solving. great post!

    1. check out my post:

  3. Hey! We have very similar ideas and opinions on the worlds biggest problems! I personally feel very passionate about the environment problems. If we don't have an earth than we don't have anything to live on so I feel that they are the most important problems! Also, they are the hardest to implement.
