Sunday, March 27, 2016

The Amazon Whisperer

The Amazon Whisperer

The main opportunity that I have to work on for my business is customer experience. There are other competitors in this type of business and I have to make sure mine stands out as the best and different from the others. One thing I've learned from using Uber is that it feels like a much more personable, pleasant and trusted experience than when I use taxi's. It feels almost like you are hiring a friend to drive you somewhere in their vehicle. I would make sure my business runs based on customer/driver ratings so that both parties are satisfied. Any customer or driver who gives the other an exceptionally poor experience will no longer be able to use the service. The other factor of my business is safety. There have been many safety concerns for Uber drivers because it is not that hard to become approved as a driver. For my business I will make sure to do extensive background/driving checks for drivers as well as a brief phone interview to make sure they are able to communicate well. I have to make sure both parties feel safe, even when they are only doing deliveries. Having a very responsive customer service team is a huge factor in maintaining business. My business is a service that is based off an app, so I am unable to do the Amazon portion of this assignment.


  1. Hey! I really like your idea and think you made a great post. You make good points about Uber and how customer service is key in this type of industry and I agree with you. I think that one of the main issues customers would have is bad service and so you would need to regulate that heavily. If you have some time be sure to check out my blog!

  2. I really enjoyed that fact that you want to have the best customer service available! A lot of people truly underrate customer service and do not realize just how important that aspect is when it comes to customer retention. I do not know if you mentioned it directly in this post, but I am assuming that you are thinking about starting an Uber-like company that maybe also does deliveries? If this is the case, background checks and safety are of the utmost importance and I believe this could give you a tremendous edge over the competition. Great work and check out my blog here :
