Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Venture Concept No. 1

The opportunity that I am venturing into is a similar to a ride-sharing service. But I am offering a service beyond just rideshares, but service shares of all kinds. For example, people can call on their driver and get food delivered from anywhere. It gives people an opportunity to become entrepreneurs themselves. It allows people to be their own boss, work their own hours. It gives customers the ability to travel and get things done at a lower than normal cost, increasing productivity. They can get anything delivered, anytime. It’s like Uber and Lyft but with endless opportunities.
Geographically and demographically this market can help people in all regions and from all demographics. Rural areas have very few options for delivery services and taxis. This can help people to get around and get things done in their community. In the big cities, it is very helpful to people who live in high rise apartments and don’t have the time or ability to get things delivered themselves, or if they don’t want to take public transportation. Demographically, people of all ages, races, and classes can use this service. People who are too poor to buy their own car can use the ridesharing service, while people who are rich and don’t want to bother to drive their own car can use it as well. It really is a helpful service for all people, because everyone moves around and everyone eats food.
This opportunity is huge, because it’s something that some people will use on a weekly (or even daily) basis. The window of opportunity will always be open because although there are similar services in existence already, there is always room for improvement. If I can expand on an idea that already exists and find my own customer base and keep them satisfied, I have a huge opportunity for success.
My customers all have one thing in common, they need assistance. Whether it be that they can’t walk and need their groceries delivered, or they just need a ride somewhere. My innovation is that I am selling them a transportation service. I am selling the customer a ride in a vehicle or a delivery from a hired driver, from anywhere they wish. Corporate restaurants that do food deliveries and taxi companies charge a great deal for a small service, and in most cases, pay their employees a small hourly wage. This company gives the customer convenience of getting something done with the knowledge that the majority of their fare goes directly to a person’s paycheck and not to a huge corporation.
This type of business has been successful because of the convenience. In this day and age people put a huge emphasis on saving time and not being inconvenienced. They are willing to pay to get things delivered to them when it saves them a trip they don’t want to spend the time to make. It allows them to get around town without needing to drive themselves. They are helping everyday average people to earn money on their own.
What my idea has that no one else has is options. There are many uses for this service and it can only get better and better. Focusing on customer and employee satisfaction by creating a rewards system when the services are used is what will keep them coming back. It’s one of those things you don’t realize how much you value until you stop using it.
I have a lot of ideas for this company, but I still have to figure out how to put the pieces together. I think it is very possible to offer a wide range of services from one app instead of several, but of course it is a bit of a challenge to make it all work when it is a completely new business model. The next step for me is figuring out how to pull in my first set of customers and independent contractors.


  1. Hi Kelsey!

    I really liked that this assignment was a bit longer, so it gave a better overall picture of how many parts of your business concept link together. I think your idea is very strong overall, and you explained each segment very well. I particularly liked that you are focusing on increasing the number of options available, and differentiating yourself from the traditional ride sharing services. Great job!

    If you’re interested in reading what I came up with, here’s a link to my blog as well:

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Kelsey, I can tell you put a lot of effort into completing this assignment. You very clearly described your venture and business plan here. Although I think there is a lot of competition in this area right now, I think you have a great plan to beat out competition and distinguish yourself from other ride share companies. My venture has to do with vehicles as well, but it's about delivery coffee food truck service.

  3. I really enjoyed your post. I think your idea is a great fit for Gainesville and other college tons where their are so many people that need things done for them. I also feel your idea is good because it builds off successful services that have already been established.
    Link to my blog...

  4. Hey Kelsey, while this is a good idea I think there may be too many similar businesses to really succeed in this field. This actually reminds me a lot of the company whose extra credit survey I took earlier today. With that said, I wouldn't scrap the idea but perhaps include something that no other business has. Now I don't know what that could possibly be, but I would suggest looking into the companies like yours and see what they are missing.

  5. Kelsey,

    I think you did a wonderful job of explaining every detail and every aspect of your opportunity. I can tell you put a lot of thought and effort not only into your actual idea but into this venture concept specifically. I know I would be someone to use this app, as there is definitely times when I need to run a quick errand but just don't feel like getting up and doing so. I think the only trouble might be to make sure that costs aren't too high of paying someone to get what you need. Overall though, I think your idea has potential to become a huge success. Here is a link to my blog if you want to check it out.

  6. Kelsey,
    This sounds like a great idea but then I think about all of the other competitors in this area and the amount of time before uber launches all of their other services across the country. Uber already has ride service, delivery service, and bike service. I would think about your idea further and see if you can pick one thing to do and be really great at it.

  7. Hi Kelsey, good job on the assignment, you really put a good amount of thought in doing this assignment. I feel like your idea can be very successful in Gainesville and many more campuses in the USA. There is definitely a good amount business like yours, so you have to make sure that you have that extra something than no one else has. Good luck!
    Check out my blog at

  8. Hey Kelsey! I really liked this post and I think your idea will do great in Gainesville. I think starting in a college town is really smart because its a small and specific market that's easy to start off with, but with so many college towns with similar needs nationwide, there is also great potential to expand. Great post! You can check out mine here:
