Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Growing My Social Capital

My business idea that I have been developing is a driver-customer app that does food deliveries as well as other various services.

1)      Who they are and what their background is.
This person is an Uber driver, so naturally they already know what it’s like to work in this type of business as an independent contractor.
2)      Which 'slot' you are filling with each person (i.e., domain expert, market expert, supplier), and how the person fills the spot.
This person fills the spot of domain expert. They work in the industry first-hand so their insight on this type of service is from first-hand experience.
3)      A description of how you found the person and contacted the person.
This person is a friend of mine who has been driving for Uber and Lyft for a long time.
4)      The nature of the exchange you have with the person -- what favor did they do for you? What is the return expectation?
This person is a friend of mine, the favor they have done for me is to explain things about their job that would help me to work out the kinks in my business idea. They gave me practical advice.
5)      How will including this person in your network enhance your ability to exploit an opportunity?
Like I mentioned, being in contact with someone who has essentially worked in the same type of service app that I would be developing will give me insight on what may or may not work from the perspective of the independent contractor involved.
Second Interview:
1)      Who they are and what their background is.
This person works in marketing and customer support for the Uber app in my city.
2)      Which 'slot' you are filling with each person (i.e., domain expert, market expert, supplier), and how the person fills the spot.
This person would be a market expert, because their job is to research trends in the business and market to the customers and drivers accordingly to make sure things run smoothly.
3)      A description of how you found the person and contacted the person.
My friend who is a driver for Uber told me about how easy it is to contact someone in the business with questions and advice when you are a driver, because they are constantly sending emails and texts letting the drivers know when are the good times to get on the road and what areas are typically the busiest. He put me in contact with this person and it has been very insightful.
4)      The nature of the exchange you have with the person -- what favor did they do for you? What is the return expectation?
The favor that this person did for me was just to answer some questions I had about the business and how exactly it works- including conflict resolution and daily operations.
5) How will including this person in your network enhance your ability to exploit an opportunity?
Being in contact with this person could give me really good insight on how to find and advertise to my target market and get the app going.

1)      Who they are and what their background is.
This person has been an app developer for an unrelated app.
2)      Which 'slot' you are filling with each person (i.e., domain expert, market expert, supplier), and how the person fills the spot.
This person would be a supplier. They may not work in the same type of business or market, but they know how to get an app going and running smoothly.
3)      A description of how you found the person and contacted the person.
My brother is a software engineer and works with app developers in his office. He put me in contact with this person.
4)      The nature of the exchange you have with the person -- what favor did they do for you? What is the return expectation?
I just asked him a few questions about how I would go about putting my idea to work and developing an app that will run smoothly. I would definitely have to hire someone with experience to do this part.
5)      How will including this person in your network enhance your ability to exploit an opportunity?
It is helpful to network with someone who knows how these things work since I don’t. If I needed advice or maybe even some technical help, there is a possibility that he would be able to assist me.

I think out of all the exercises this one would be the most helpful if I were to actually put my ideas into action. All of these people could provide great advice in developing and maintaining this service app. I definitely believe that networking with people in your target industry is immensely helpful and I was satisfied with this exercise.


  1. Hi Kelsey,
    I like that you were able to use resources you already knew or had a way to get to them through someone you know, this makes the process a whole lot easier. I think the app is a very important feature that you need someone good to work on because the service is only as good as the app. I like your idea and think it would do well considering there are a lot of people without cars that have no way of picking things up such as food. I wasn't able to complete this exercise but you can check what my venture is about

  2. Hey Kelsey!
    I think that your choice of an Uber driver as a first hand look and opinion into the industry is an amazing idea as it allows you access to information you would otherwise get through extensive and time consuming surveys. I think that developing your app is key to how your business will develop as most if not all of your traffic will come through your app. Therefore, that is where I'd focus a lot of my efforts. You can check out my blog here!

  3. Hi Kelsey, really good work on “Growing My Social Capital”. First off, choosing a current Uber driver to interview was a really smart choice. Picking someone that is a current member of your industry gives you a real sense of what is going on now. Secondly, interviewing a different app developer can help you understand how it is to be in that position. If you want to check out my post, here is the link.

  4. I am glad that you found value in this exercise. This is a common way many people do business and learn about trends in their industry. It is very important to not only create a network of resources but you must maintain that relationship and provide value to others in your network.

  5. Kelsey,

    You did a great job with this activity. I love how you pursued a Uber driver for this activity because they are very aware of this market. Unfortunately, they are not a contact that can help you long term. I totally agree that creating an application on our phones will allow for your business idea to grow. Check out my blog post at:

  6. I think the people you chose fit the category perfectly. Your market expert is especially well thought out for an app based service; knowing someone who currently works at uber will definitely have a grasp on the market. I am also working on a location based app, but one for the hospitality industry. I've had issues finding a supplier for mine, but a current app owner is a great idea. You can see my "growing my social capital" post here:

  7. Hey Kelsey,
    great job on selecting your people, I think the app developer that you contacted would also be the most important contact in growing your social capital. I also really like your business idea, because students and people in general often don't have time to pick up food. Many students that live on campus don't have cars so this app would be very beneficial for them. If you'd like to look at my blog here's a link.

  8. hey kelsey. It looks like you have the right team assembled for success. No one can do something on their own and we always need someone that has been doing it for a long time to guide us through new beginning. Good job

  9. Hi Kelsey,
    Great job on the post, you really picked people that can truly help you moving forward. Living in an area where the only thing you can get delivered is a pizza really gives me an appreciation for your business idea. There are a lot of places where this type of service could be very helpful. I know I would love to not have to leave work on my break whenever I need to get dinner. You can view my blog here: Great Job and good luck.
