Sunday, March 13, 2016

My Secret Sauce

1) Describe five ways in which you think you have human capital that is truly unique. What is it about you, exactly, that makes you different? Write this up in a detailed list. 

I think what it is about me that makes me different is that for starters I am very good at seeking opportunities. 
I find new and different ways of doing things and I make it work for me. I am really good at adapting to change and going with the flow of things.
I know how to maintain a professional appearance and present myself well even when I am upset or stressed.
I take criticism pretty well and appreciate when people are giving me the advice I need to hear and not just what I want to hear. I think this is an important trait to have as an entrepreneur. Being a know it all doesn't help you to be innovative and improve on your ideas.
I put my best effort into what I do. I like to think I have I have a decent amount of integrity as a person, my mantra is to always try to treat others how I want to be treated so I think this has helped me to do well in my work life because I am respected by others.

I asked them what is my secret sauce, and what qualities do I have that would make me a good entrepreneur. I interviewed my parents, my brother and a couple close friends.

The first interview was with my mom. It doesn't surprise me that she said these things because well, she's my mom so naturally she thinks the sun shines out of my a**.

The second interview was with my dad. It was interesting to see what he said about me as an entrepreneur because his dad was a very successful entrepreneur and my dad followed suit and ran the family business with his brothers for many years after my grandpa passed.

My brother had some pretty similar things to say about me as well.

The next two videos are from friends. Basically what they said was similar but a little less detailed which makes sense because they know me in a different way than my family. I had them send me the audio file over whatsapp and as soon as I can figure out how to load to youtube I will post it!! Check back soon
Update: I had to ask them to re-do it because I cannot figure out how to get an audio file uploaded on here from the app. I will post as soon as I get these! (I am currently studying abroad so recording the videos myself was not an option)

My reflection of these interviews is that I am I guess a little surprised on how similar they are to my list. A lot of what they said matched up with each other and with my description of myself as well. This is a good thing and I am glad that I have consistency.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I believe that the one of the biggest things I've noticed about people that are successful are that they pay close attention to not just how they dress, but how they carry themselves. One of the biggest things that I've tried to do is work on my branding is to make sure that people understand why I wear suits so often. This has lead to not just people holding me in higher esteem than they would otherwise, but also leading to attacking more opportunities. Keep up the good work.

    My Blog Post:

  3. Kelsey, great post. I think it is very important to be able to present yourself well. I think a lot of people do not. A guy came into my job the other day for an interview with shorts, flip flops, and a t-shirt. I almost had a heart attack. It was the talk of the office and I am not even a gossiper. It was unreal. Not to mention the work I do is extremely professional. Therefore, he did not get a call back to say the least! keep up the great work! check my blog out!
