Sunday, February 28, 2016

Week 8 Reading Reflection

1)      What was the biggest surprise for you in the reading? In other words, what did you read that stood out the most as different from your expectations?

I liked the part about where to find start-up capital. I did not now there were so many different ways to get sources of capital.
2)      Identify at least one part of the reading that was confusing to you.
The part about debt financing was a little confusing to me because I don’t know much about the subject.
3)      If you were able to ask two questions to the author, what would you ask? Why?
If I were to launch my business, which sources of financing would be best for me to use at my current age and financial state? If I had a business partner who was in a different place in life (like my parents or something) how would that change your suggestion?
4)      Was there anything you think the author was wrong about? Where do you disagree with what she or he said? How?

There is not really anything that I thought the author was wrong about.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Half-way Reflection

1)      Tenaciousness is a skill. What are the behaviors that you have used (or developed) to keep up with the requirements of this course?
The main skill that I have developed from this course was the ability to go outside of my comfort zone. All of these interviewing assignments are like nothing I’ve ever done before, and I almost feel like I’m taking a speech class or videography class of some sort.
2)      Tenaciousness is also about attitude. Talk about a moment or two when you felt like "giving up." What pulled you through? Do you feel like you've developed a tenacious attitude during the past two months? What experience or experiences most contributed to this?
I’ve honestly felt like giving up so many times throughout the course so far. A lot of these assignments were really challenging for me because I don’t like to be recorded and I have to go way out of my way to complete assignments, especially since I am studying abroad. I think I have improved my tenacity because I can’t afford to take any more zeros on assignments and I need to just find a way to complete them and be done with it!
3)      Three tips. What are three tips you would offer next semester's student about (1) fostering the skills that support tenacity and (2) developing the 'tenacious mindset' ?

Just find a way to make it work and go for it. The great thing about this class is you keep track of your own grades and it’s up to you to make sure you get it done. It doesn’t have to be perfect but just do the best you can. Keep the mindset that you are going to find a way to make it work and just go out and do it.

Image result for tenacious d

Monday, February 22, 2016

Week 7 Reading Reflection

1)      What was the biggest surprise for you in the reading? In other words, what did you read that stood out the most as different from your expectations?
The part about segmentation was a bit confusing to me where it explained how psychographics is used and relied on in marketing but it doesn’t really work
2)      Identify at least one part of the reading that was confusing to you.
I just didn’t really like how the article was set up, it was a bit wordy in the descriptions at some parts and not very concise. I had a difficult time reading the whole thing.
3)      If you were able to ask two questions to the author, what would you ask? Why?
I don’t really have anything that I would need to the ask the author.
4)      Was there anything you think the author was wrong about? Where do you disagree with?

There’s not so much anything I disagree with, just when I was read some observation the author stated, I was hoping his explanations would be a bit more clear and to the point.

Free Money

For starters I have to say that this was the strangest assignment I’ve ever done. It was especially frustrating trying to approach people and giving “dollars” away while I am studying abroad in Spain and most people don’t speak English. I went around my school campus and found some students to approach while they were walking to class or other various things. It was a pretty uncomfortable experience and I felt really rude going up to people and asking if they speak English while my friend followed me with a camera pointing at them. But I was able to get two on camera, I did the best I could. The best pitch I could come up with on the spot for the first one was that I had too much change and no pockets (single Euro’s are only made in coins) and the girl was confused and refused to take it. The second time I tried explaining to the guy I was “paying it forward” and he was also really confused why I was giving him a euro, he didn’t speak English very well and didn’t really understand, but he took it. I was only able to find two English speakers and of them I gave one Euro away. This assignment was actually harder than I thought it would be and I am not surprised with the results. 

Here is the link to my channel, if there are any problems let me know!

Monday, February 15, 2016

Customer Interviews No. 3

As with my last interview, I had a hard time figuring out how to approach this assignment because I am studying abroad and I do not speak the local language well enough to interview strangers, nor are they my ideal demographic. Once again for this interview I decided it would be best to call my mom back in the US and let me interview a few of her co-workers over the phone. If anyone reading this knows of an easy way to record and post FaceTime calls please let me know! They were more than happy to help and I think this has helped me to gain some insight on how the older generations think of my business idea, since it is based off a smartphone app which needs to be user-friendly for all ages. I interviewed two of my moms co-workers and two of my brothers friends as well, (his friends are in their mid-twenties.)

This exercise says that we are just supposed to explain our business idea in a paragraph and record their reflection on it so that’s what I did.

1.      - What is your reaction? Which services do you think you would use? What are your suggestions or concerns?

I think its sounds like a very useful tool that would benefit a lot of people. I think it’s a great idea and I know a lot of people that could use it. My only concern with these sharing app is how you ensure the safety of both parties involved because there is always a possibility of things going wrong.

2.      - What is your reaction? Which services do you think you would use? Suggestions or concerns?

My reaction is good because people are really busy nowadays. As a person that works full time I would be really interested in some of the services. It would be really helpful if I could stay late after work and make overtime and have my food or groceries delivered to me so I can still have time to prepare a meal for my family. Concern would be, how quick could the person deliver the food? How far ahead would you need to order?

3.       -What is your reaction?

Sounds interesting but I personally wouldn’t use it. I don’t think it’s worth paying people to do menial tasks that I don’t mind doing myself, and I already own a car.

-Any suggestions or concerns?

Nothing that comes to mind.

-What is your reaction? Which services do you think you would use? Suggestions or concerns?

It sounds like a good idea, I would probably use the rideshare part. As long as they could get it to me fast, I think it could be a good delivery service for restaurants and fast food. For groceries it could be helpful as long as the item list is spelled out clearly.

I was not too surprised from these interviews. I realize this is idea that takes elements from other businesses that are already flourishing and puts them into one. I also realize that some people will never bother to use this kind of service, for one reason or another, and that’s okay. I think there is a pretty good market that would be interested and I would just have to make sure the customers concerns are addressed.

Week 6 Reading Reflection

1) What was the biggest surprise for you in the reading? In other words, what did you read that stood out the most as different from your expectations?
-It was interesting to see how the author was able to confine their ideas into five main forces and how each of these aspects can shape a strategy.

2) Identify at least one part of the reading that was confusing to you.
-I did not find any parts that were confusing to me. The author did a good job explain and using solid examples.

3) If you were able to ask two questions to the author, what would you ask? Why?
-I would ask the author how they came up with the five forces and why these are most relevant.

4) Was there anything you think the author was wrong about? Where do you disagree with what she or he said? How?

-I didn’t find anything that I thought the author was wrong about. It all made sense to me. 

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Interviewing Customers No. 2

I've had a hard time figuring out exactly how to approach this project because I am studying abroad and since I don't speak the language, I can't really go around interviewing random people on the street. Also, since I plan on living in the US permanently, they are not my ideal demographic. So unfortunately I do not have any videos, but I asked my mom if I could interview a couple of people she works with over the phone, as well as my old roommates friends. I don't know any of these people and they are of all ages, living in the US. My idea is one that is similar to ridesharing and homesharing apps, except it provides a broader range of services such as takeout delivery, grocery delivery, and other services like help moving furniture.

-1. Have you ever used a ride sharing or home sharing app?

Yeah I use Uber all the time, and I've used Lyft before a few times.

-If so, how often do you use these services and what do you think of them?

Uber is great for when I'm going out and don't want to drink and drive, I would not otherwise use taxis.

-If you could get food delivered from any restaurant or store for an affordable price, would you?

Definitely. It would be easier to pay to get these things delivered than to pay for Uber to deliver me to the restaurant and  back!

-What do you think of the idea of using an app to find people to help you with small tasks, like using furniture?

That would be interesting...I usually just ask my roommates or friends but I guess if they weren't around I would need something like that. Moving services are super expensive.

2. Have you ever used a ride sharing or home sharing app?

I have stayed in an Airbnb before, and I have been in an Uber that a friend used. All my friends seem to use it but I don't have the app myself.

-If so, how often do you use these services and what do you think of them?

I thought the Airbnb was great, it was quite a different experience from the usual hotel or bed & breakfast,

-If you could get food delivered from any restaurant or store for an affordable price, would you?

I usually cook for myself but it would be nice to have a way to get groceries delivered when I forget to pick something up! That would be great.

-What do you think of the idea of using an app to find people to help you with small tasks, like using furniture?

Well my husband is usually the one to take care of moving furniture and such, but it sounds like something my daughter in college might find useful.

3. Have you ever used a ride sharing or home sharing app?

I have used Uber before.

-If so, how often do you use these services and what do you think of them?

I used Uber only a handful of times when I was on vacation and didn't have a car.

-If you could get food delivered from any restaurant or store for an affordable price, would you?

Probably not, I like to save money whenever I can so I prefer to pick it up myself.

What do you think of the idea of using an app to find people to help you with small tasks, like using furniture?

Probably not, for the same reason.

4. Have you ever used a ride sharing or home sharing app?

No, I haven't

If so, how often do you use these services and what do you think of them?


If you could get food delivered from any restaurant or store for an affordable price, would you?

I think I would. I get pizza delivered pretty often so it would give me more options for when I don't feel like leaving the house.

What do you think of the idea of using an app to find people to help you with small tasks, like using furniture?

I don't think I would use that.

5. Have you ever used a ride sharing or home sharing app?

I used Airbnb a lot when I traveled abroad, and I use Uber all the time since I don't have a car on campus.

If so, how often do you use these services and what do you think of them?

I use Uber every week. I think it's a life saver!!

If you could get food delivered from any restaurant or store for an affordable price, would you?

Yeah I would!

What do you think of the idea of using an app to find people to help you with small tasks, like using furniture?

I think it's a good idea, I might use that at some point if I needed it.

Week 5 Reading Reflection

This weeks reading I didn’t find anything too surprising. Last semester I took a class on computing in the Business world and learned all about trademarks and intellectual property protection. In the Business Law class we went a little more in depth on this subject as well. I definitely know to be super careful when using any sort of image for my business.
 Creative commons is a good place to find pictures that are open for use to the public. Many of these allow alterations, or even use for profit without having to buy any rights. Before launching a business, it’s always good to hire a lawyer to make sure you are doing everything within the law. A real easy way to ensure that your business goes broke quickly is to get sued by a bigger company!

Elevator Pitch No. 1

My idea is something I have had a need for myself over the past couple of weeks. I am studying abroad and living in a big city where not many people own cars, and we have to walk around very often. I went hiking a few weeks ago and injured my foot so I have had a really hard time getting anywhere, which makes it hard for me to do a lot of things. Back in my home town I use ridesharing apps, and I also use homesharing apps like Airbnb for my travels. This has given me the idea of a multifunctional service to and from your average everyday people. 

The unemployment rate is extremely high for young people here in Madrid. It’s sad to see how many people are asking for money or just playing their guitar every day in the metro stations. I can’t imagine what an impact it would have on them to be able to make money on their own through another app for deliveries. Anyone with a car can take orders from people and deliver it to them. It’s a combination of ridesharing, food takeout deliveries from restaurants, and even groceries. Even if someone just needs an extra hand moving furniture, or wants to rent out someone’s TV to watch the game. You basically have the option to rent people to do whatever small services you may need, and it would be based on a rating and reviews system.